While using Hitskin.com service, don't send any skins with illegal, pornographic content nor violating author rights. If you do, you will be banned, the skin deleted, and competent authorities notified if necessary.
Sending a skin, like its installation, are free. Only a registration with a valid e-mail is requested to send a skin. This sending must be done by the skin creator, after installing it on a Forumotion.com forum.
The skin creator may request deletion of he's skin within one month after the skin upload. After that, the skin is no longer removable.
Hitskin.com takes the right to delete any uploaded skin, and declines all responsability in case of a missing registration link or a moved file address.
The following type of skins, assumed "abusive" can not be sent under any circumstance :
The sending of abusive skins can result in an immediate halt to the user right to use Hitskin.
Hitskin and all its files might not be available, Hitskin can't be held responsible. Account connected to abusive files can be deleted, Hitskin can't be held responsible for the lose of this abusive files. Bypassing the Terms of Service can lead to prosecution.
All informations provided by the users are strictly confidential. Hitskin can communicate those informations if a user bypasses the Terms of Service, if he has committed acts reprehensible by the law, or if Hitskin judged it necessary or appropriate.
The Terms of Service can be modified without further notice. All files are copyrighted© to their respective owners. Hitskin leaves the entire files juridictional responsability to their respective users. Hitskin can't be held responsible for the sent skins content, nor with their affiliation with any entity that can be represented in sent skins images.
All other content is under Hitskin copyright©.